Tuesday 4 October 2011

CSL Placement

Sustainability graphic on Performance.gov
From photologue_np(2011). Retrieved October 4, 2011from Flickr:http://www.flickr.com/photos/44313045@N08/6101415124
I just finished my first hour of community service learning with SUSTAIN SU! My first activity was taking the dishes from our Reusable Dish Program to Dewey's to be washed. The dish program lends dishes to events on campus to reduce waste. I then read over the ECOS Redevelopment Proposal which lists the changes that will be made in reformatting ECOS to SUSTAIN SU. The new goal is to divide decision making between more students and in doing so provide peer-to-peer learning while providing sustainability-based services to the campus.
Next week I look forward to updating the Facebook and Twitter page, as well as planning Party with a Purpose, which is a concert powered by people riding stationary bikes on Oct 22 at 8:00 pm at Dinwoodie Lounge. Tickets will be sold online and around campus starting Oct 10. For more info go to http://www.sustainability.ualberta.ca/Events/UpcomingEvents.aspx

To see more exciting news about the CSL placements go to Kalin's blog at nutrjunkie.blogspot.com, or Jamie's at ales-jamie.blogspot.com.

1 comment:

  1. "A concert powered by people riding stationary bikes." This is so awesome and completely hilarious to me. Does the audience power the concert or the people running the concert? Do you get a discount on ticket price if you help power the thing?

    The devil's advocate in me wonders how much power was required to produce, package and ship the food the people ate to provide the calories for the energy to ride the stationary bikes... but then I routinely go to Van Vliet to run in circles and move heavy things only to move them back and I'm not powering squat (with my squat).

    Here's an idea, power generating floors powered by moshers at rock concerts. Japan is already doing it in Subways.

