Wednesday 14 September 2011


From C. McKenzie (personal collection, August 10, 2010)
Hello all!

Welcome to my blog, where you can find the latest news on environmental issues. I am a second year student in the Faculty of Agriculture, Life and Environmental Sciences, double majoring in Conservation Biology and Land Reclamation. I am excited to be at the University of Alberta, surrounded by cutting edge research and peers I can brainstorm ideas with.

I will soon be starting the community service learning portion of my social media class ALES 204, working with Sustain SU on campus. I look forward to using social media to get the word out about sustainable news and events on campus.

Previous to my university career I worked for the Discovery Wildlife Park as an animal caregiver. I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to work with Siberian tigers and Black bears. I enjoyed educating the public on bear safety and habitat conservation.

After I graduate I hope to work on reclamation or habitat conservation in Canada. With my new social media education I can use blogs and Twitter to stay in contact and up to date with other researchers and their work.

I can't wait to get the conversation started with fellow science lovers!

Cassandra McKenzie

1 comment:

  1. Hello Cassandra, I am a fellow classmate from your ALES 204 class. I was just reading your blog and noticed you are in the CSL lab.. that’s awesome, I was also interested in joining a CSL lab, but unfortunately I got there too late and all the spots were taken; I am sure you are having tons of fun though!
    I also noticed you worked at the Discovery Wildlife Park, and worked with Siberian tigers, I mean, WOW! What an amazing experience that must have been.
    I really enjoyed reading your blog, you seem to have lots of fun experiences about your CSL, and all the awesome things we are learning in class.
    Keep up the good work!
    :) Andrea Roman
