Thursday 22 September 2011

Business Facebook Profile

Job hunting is becoming less hitting of the pavement and more hitting of the buttons.

My latest social media assignment is a professional Facebook page. I thought this was a great idea because many employers look at potential employees on Facebook. Making a professional page will put you miles ahead of other applicants who have pictures of themselves partying online for all to see.

Facebook has shown that the future will be connecting with the public from your computer in the comfort of your own home. Friends and employers alike are available at the click of a button. While I normally recommend high security settings on your personal pages, you will want to keep your professional page open for potential employers to see. This will allow employers to access your page with ease.

I viewed some of my classmates blogs, so I could find their Facebook pages, and was really impressed with Kelvin Wong's. To view his blog go to where I'm sure you can find more ideas on how to make your Facebook page the best it can be.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Scientists/Researchers to follow on Twitter

From Jennol (2011). Retrieved September 21, 2011 from Flickr:
Hello all,

I have been learning how to use Twitter in my Social Media class ALES 204 at the UofA. I knew when I opened the account that I wanted to use it for educational purposes, I was not going to get lost in the "twittersphere" droning on about what I ate for lunch, as discussed on the video Twouble with Twitters @ I therefore had to figure out who were legitimate scientists that tweeted information I could trust. At first this seemed like a difficult task, until my lab TA, Courtney suggested searching Google scholar to see if these scientists were published. Once I found a published scientist I could view the other scientists in their fields that they followed on Twitter, and as you can imagine, my list of people to follow grew quite quickly.

I have listed my top 5 to follow. If you have any interest in wildlife or conservation, these are the an excellent start for your Twitter education.

1. @JaneGoodallCAN
This is where my love for animals and conservation all started. When I was young my parents gave me a set of her books and I was fascinated. My interest blossomed from there, and now I'm working towards a Conservation degree.

2. @OneSimpleAct
This one is close to home. It's an Albertan Conservation team that educates the public on what we can do to conserve in our everyday life's.

3. @NatureNews
This is a well respected magazine based out of London. They provide up to date science news on all types of topics. It has something for all of our scientific interests.

4. @Michael_GR
He is a respected journalist who works for the Discovery channel on Discovery Green. He is a tree hugger like me, and I find his tweets are full of environmental related links.

5. @DucksUnlimited
The best outcome from my degree would be landing a job working on habitat conservation. Ducks Unlimited are one of the leaders in Wetland Conservation.

If Twitter is not for you, but you would like to meet others studying to become Biologists please check out my classmates blog @

Thanks for your time!

Wednesday 14 September 2011


From C. McKenzie (personal collection, August 10, 2010)
Hello all!

Welcome to my blog, where you can find the latest news on environmental issues. I am a second year student in the Faculty of Agriculture, Life and Environmental Sciences, double majoring in Conservation Biology and Land Reclamation. I am excited to be at the University of Alberta, surrounded by cutting edge research and peers I can brainstorm ideas with.

I will soon be starting the community service learning portion of my social media class ALES 204, working with Sustain SU on campus. I look forward to using social media to get the word out about sustainable news and events on campus.

Previous to my university career I worked for the Discovery Wildlife Park as an animal caregiver. I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to work with Siberian tigers and Black bears. I enjoyed educating the public on bear safety and habitat conservation.

After I graduate I hope to work on reclamation or habitat conservation in Canada. With my new social media education I can use blogs and Twitter to stay in contact and up to date with other researchers and their work.

I can't wait to get the conversation started with fellow science lovers!

Cassandra McKenzie