Monday 17 October 2011

SUSTAIN SU Name Change Poster

The goal of my community service learning placement with SUSTAIN SU is to use social media to make the university community aware that the student group formerly known as ECOS is now SUSTAIN SU. With a name change comes a broader concept of sustainability, including social, economic and environmnetal issues.

I created a poster that can be used to inform everyone of the name change and changes to SUSTAIN SU.


  1. Cassandra, It looks like you are having a great time with your CSL placement at Sustain SU. I think it is great that students are making an effort to reduce the footprint they leave while attending the university. It was just last week that the friendly volunteers from sustain SU ran a bike tune up day. It was impeccable timing because as soon as I got on my bike, I noticed the rear tire was flat. The friendly gal volunteering helped me get my tire filled and taught me the correct pressures to be running. I think the campus gardens also sound like a great idea. I grow vegetables for a hobby at home and this looks like something I would enjoy volunteering for. If I was not so busy with school this semester, I think I would enjoy volunteering at sustain SU as well!

    The poster you designed for the ECOS --> Sustain SU changeover is very well laid out. I think it presents the information in an easy to read manner, that is also visually pleasing. It highlights key points about the purpose of the organization such as mission statements, and focus. It sound like there are some interesting projects going on this year as well. I don't know how stoked I would be about volunteering to wash dishes, but presenting at sustainability seminars, or helping with the organic gardens would be more appealing to me!

    Keep up the great blogging!

    Steve Ellery

    P.S - That is a cool picture of you and your dog! I have a 3 1/2 year old Doberman pincher. Stop by my blog if your looking for another fellow classmate the is not a nutrition major! @ We are a rare breed it seems.

  2. Cassandra,
    You have created such an eye appealing poster, but also made it very informative. It looks like you're really enjoying your CSL placement. You are the first person who I've found on blogger from our Ales class who is doing CSL. Very interesting to see the differences between being in class and doing CSL. Even though I am in the nutrition and food science major, I find living sustainable such a great topic. It'd be great if we could in-cooperate living sustainably with healthy food choices too!

  3. Cassandra,

    Your poster looks amazing! I see you have applied many of the techniques we discussed in class. The colors suit the topic well and contrast nicely. It is a very informative poster and the pictures look great! I agree with Rebecca, I am in the Nutrition major program and think it would be a great idea to incorporate food and sustainability. From what I know one of the food related sustainability projects they are involved in is the Campus gardens and the Farmer's market during Sustainability Awareness Week. What do you think about expanding on food related issues with Sustain SU? We should bring it up to Ian next semester.

    Have a good one!

  4. Hi Cassandra,

    I really like the poster you made for Sustain SU. It is very clear about the main points, but text isn't cluttering the page. I also really like the colour scheme and the pictures!
    It sounds like you are really enjoying your CSL placement. Sustain SU sounds like a very interesting program and something I would enjoy learning more about. I really like the idea of a communal garden using the compost generated on campus. I live in Strathcona County where we have a compost system and all of our compost is picked up separately from our garbage. After getting used to never putting compostable materials in the garbage, it always pains me a little on campus to throw an apple core out as compost bins are few and far between!

    I hope you enjoyed the rest of your time with Sustain SU!

    Jen Hay

  5. Cassandra: your poster looks awesome and it is one of best posters I have ever seen. The layout, color choice, and content work perfectly together and very easily catch audience attention. I am in CSL class as well and impressed by your professional way to deliver a presentation. When you are in front of class, you confidently provide a clear and informative message about SUSTAIN SU. Excellent work, and I am looking forward to see your prezi presentation as well.

  6. Hey Cassandra:
    your poster has alot of useful information about sustain SU. The layout and the choice of colors go very well with the topic of your presentation. Great job!!!
    looking forward to your presentation


  7. Hello Cassandra,
    your poster looks very nice. It is very professional poster and very informative. Also, those pictures you put in your poster matches with the concept and very well organized and easy to read.

    Dawoon JUNG (melanie)
